Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving. I had not been feeling well the few days before, but I knew if I could just hold on, Willey would be off of work Thanksgiving morning and I would get a bit of a break. My friend Jessie had signed us up for the Pima Turkey Trot, which was a 5k and I was nervous, ha ha I don't really know why, but I was. So Thanksgiving morning came and my stomach was really not wanting me to run anywhere that morning, but I am pretty determined when it comes to working out, and finishing what I started, so I got dressed, ate some oatmeal and we were off. We had decided to walk at the start, but there were so many people that were running we kind of had to run. Any ways I don't really know what came over me but I was able to just keep running, (I am sorry to Jessie for leaving her), but I just felt like running. I ended up getting 34 mins, which I thought wasn't too bad for not being a runner. It felt so good to get that finish line and it was a great way to start Thanksgiving day!! My family had traveled to Utah for Thanksgiving, so it was just the five of us. We decided to grill up some steaks, and Josh wanted salmon, and it was just so relaxing and fun. We went around the room and said what we were thankful for: Ryan is thankful for food, especially hot dogs, Josh is thankful it was Thanksgiving and we could all share, Zack is also thankful for hot dogs, Willey was thankful for his boys and for me, for his good job and our home, and that heavenly father has blessed us so much. I am thankful for my loving husband and the hard work he does to provide for us, for my rowdy and fun boys, and to have a warm home and food to fill out tummies. We ended the night curled up watching a movie on our bed with the boys. Then willey let me take a nice long hot bath, and that has made me want to start 2 new traditions for me on Thanksgiving, to start with the Turkey Trot and end with a relaxing bath!!

Zacks 2

So November is a busy birthday month for us in our family, so I am a little late in posting about Zacks Birthday. It was november 28th. I can't believe that my baby is already two!! Maybe time for another one, but that will be another post in later-no announcements!! Zack has always just had his own personality and done his own thing. His due date was supposed to be December 27th, but of course he couldn't wait to get here. I can remember going into the Doctors office, they wanted to do an amnioscentisis (mis-spelled), so I had to be hooked up to the monitor for a while so make sure everything was fine, and low and behold I was having steady contractions. I was still four weeks from deliverying so they wanted to go ahead and make sure his lungs were developed enough and they had said that they would know those results within 2-3 days. Well thankfully I have good doctors, and they decided to take me over to the hospital and go ahead and do the c-section. I was not ready for this and was sad because I hadn't told Josh or Ryan that I wouldn't see them for a few days. My mom was with me though and that helped. We got Willey called and off to the hospital we went. So a few hours later (they were busy that day) they wheeled me into the surgery room. Now with this pregnancy I was HUGE not only from the baby being big, but also from lots of extra fluid. So when they cute me open it was kind of funny because everyone had these splash shield things, but they were smart because I got soaked!! Gross I know!! Then my doctor told Willey how thin my uterus was she could have cut it with a needle, and that freaked me out. She said things could have been a lot worse if we had even waited one more day. So out came Zack and all we heard was this teeny tiny cry from this big baby! His lungs were not developed yet, so he had to be under the oxygen tent and the funny thing was the nurse told willey that most babies fit all the way in the tent, Zack only fit from his chest up, ha ha. He weighed in at 9.1 and only 18 and a half inches, and has been growing fast and big ever since!! He loves to laugh and eat, and dance around, and he really loves playing with his older brothers and trying so hard to be just like them!! I have been so blessed to have him as my son!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Five Years Old

I can't believe that Josh is Five!! Where does the time go? I can still remember Willey's mom wanting me to go for a walk and I totally didn't want to and we went about a mile and the contractions started coming pretty steadily, so we went home and I sat and rested, but the contractions didn't rest. Willey was on night shift so we had to wake him up, and his first reaction was, "Oh, well I need to change the oil in the car first". Ha ha. So I took a shower thinking they would slow down, but nope, it was time to go. We lived in Morenci and had to drive to Mesa. We got there and I had only dialated to a 2 and a half. But they were coming so they got me started on meds to help it along, well long story short 29 hours later the doctor came in and said you can either try for another hour or we can do the c-section now. And needless to say I was exhausted and opted for the c-section. A few minutes later, we had our first baby boy. Joshua Roy Biggs!! We were so excited. 8 lbs 5 ounces and 21 inches long, with a head of 15 inches!!! That was the #1 reason I had a 29 hour labor!!! He was always a good baby and has always had such a sweet love for his brothers. He loves to laugh and have a good time!! He loves playing with friends and spending time outside with his brothers! I have been blessed to be his mom and want to say Happy Birthday Josh!! Love you much!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So I have been struggling a lot lately with so many, many things and all I can do to make it through is to just laugh and basically fake it until I make it ha ha! I hate that the future is so full of the unknown. I am just feeling so not in control of anything. Has anyone ever felt this way?? Advice?? I don't usual deal with stress very well, and everything is growing and I can't see the end of the light in this tunnel!! I know that H.F. is here for me and I know that sometimes our heads are so full of "life" that it is hard for us to hear his answers for us. But how can I calm things down to be able to hear the answers? I really feel like I am going a mile a minute trying to be a good mom and wife, trying to workout to have that great body, trying to keep my house clean. AHH! ok, I am done venting. I do have a lot to be thankful for, just could use some friend advice. :)!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Something so sad happened this week, Zack spilled water all over our camera. It only takes VERY distorted pictures. Now our dilema is do we buy a new one now, or wait to see if there will be any good deals the day after Thanksgiving? I am just so bummed! And the last pictures on their were of the very UGLY diamondback snake that Willey killed on our front porch!! Yuck! We were babysitting for date night and the last parents had come to pick up their kids and we were talking on the fronch porch and the kids were like look, a frog, and started running to the end of the porch, And all the sudden the other dad was like WAIT!! and grabbed the kids. It was this little visitor all curled up and waiting to strike!! So scary, I totally can deal with spiders and scorpions, even the darned little mice that come around and get stuck in our window wells in the basement, I can handle. But I have to draw a line at snakes!! Anyways Willey had to try 3 times to get it, but He eventualy did, and the boys thought he was just the coolest dad ever, and so did his wife!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where is Josh?

Ok, so I thought getting a computer at home that I would be updating this thing all the time, but I am finding it wasn't the computer that was the problem, its not having the time to sit here and hear myself think for longer than ten minutes :)!! So we had something happen to us last week that made me soooo much more paranoid. We had company coming over for dinner, and I was planning a very nice chinese menu. I had gotten the egg roll mix all made, the rice cooked and cooling for the fried rice, the chicken prepped for cooking and I had time to take a little break. So I decided to watch some tv. Willey was on the computer, Ryan and Zack were both sleeping and Josh had just woken up. He came in and asked me if he could go play at the neighbors across the street, and I told him that was fine. I went to the door and watched him walk across the street (we live out in RURAL Pima), he knocked on the door and no one answered. So I figured he would come home. Well there were kids playing across the street from our nieghbors and I peeked out the window to see him watching the kids play and walking toward them. I just assumed that he would go play and I would have Willey go get him in 30 mins. So that time passed, and I started cooking again and asked Willey to get Josh. He took Ryan with him and went to the neighbors, but he wasn't there, and the kids said he never came there to play. They all saw him standing on the corner, but he never walked over there. No biggie, we live in a neighborhood FULL of kids, so I put in the call to ALL the neighbors around us, and with each phone call my heart sank as they said, no we haven't seen him, try so and so. Willey got into the Suburban and started to drive around, while I still tried to see if anyone had seen him. By this time some of (well most of) our neighbors had come out of their houses and had began searching with us. The kids were riding around on thier bikes yelling his name and the dads were driving around looking by the pond down the street and in the empty houses that aren't done being built. They had checked one of our neighbors back yard about 4 times, because they have a lot of fun play equipment, but they weren't home and no one saw him playing back there. Now it had been about 40 minutes since we started looking, so almost and hour and a half since I had seen him, and I was sobbing!! I kept trying to keep it together but I had my little 3 year old Ryan saying,"Well I guess now you only have 2 boys", "only two kids now!!" And I would just burst into tears. Willey finally came home and said we need to pray. We got on our knees and with his voice choking back the tears through the whole prayer, we pleaded with our Heavenly Father to help guide us to Josh, and to please make him be safe. As soon as the prayer was finished, I told Willey that we needed to check the neighbor with all the backyard toys again, I knew that it had been checked over and over, but that was what the spirit was telling me. We walked outside and Willey started down there when we saw him walking toward the house. He had been in that neighbors back yard in a tower thing that they have and he had seen everyone around and yelling his name, but he said he didnt want to get into trouble for not having permission to be there. I was so happy and so angry at the same time, I didn't know whether to send him to his room or just hold him tightly. Luckily the good overcame me and I just held onto him and thanked my heavenly father for answering our prayers so quickly, and that josh was safe and home. He is now experiencing what it means to be grounded for a week, and we are working with all the boys to teach them how to be safe and not give their parents a heart attack like josh almost did!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Your Baby Can Read

Ok, so Josh has been going to Preschool since August, and he has learned so much and its just so cute when he sings a song about colors or tells the stories about the things he has brought home. Well today, they made Monsters and little books to read to their monsters. And over the last little while they have been working on a book kind of like the bood "Brown bear brown bear what do you see"? But his is Joshua, Joshua, what do you see? And they have little reading sticks to help them with each word. Now he mostly has this book memorized, but it was just too cute when I found him reading to Ryan and Zack. Love these little boys!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wheres your bed?

Ok, so my little man is still getting up at 5 EVERY morning, except Sunday I fell asleep around 9 and got woken up by a loud MAAAA (which is what Zack yells when he wants to make sure I hear him) and my first thought was, no way it cannot be 5 yet!! A quick look at the clock and only 10:48. So back to bed for him. Well we actually got to sleep in until 6:30!! And when we got up we discovered Zack asleep outside our bedroom door. It was really funny and way too cute!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Baby no more

So for the last week I have been getting woken up about 5 in the morning at the same time every morning, and not by my alarm clock, but by Zack!! He has learned to climb out of his crib! I knew the day would come, but had hoped for a little more time. But when they get out of their crib while you are sleeping and eat half the tube of toothpaste you know its time! So Willey took apart the crib and put in the toddler bed, and it just made me sad, I don't have a baby anymore! For now I am ok with that but who knows what the future holds? Hopefully something in pink ha ha.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Vacation to see Nana and Papa

We were sitting eating dinner a few weeks ago, when Willey realized the next day was his dads 50th birthday, he asked me to get online to see about getting tickets so we could surprise him, and it would have been like 2000 dollars, so we decided to wait 2 weeks, and then fly out and surprise them, the boys were sooo excited to go on an airplane and see their nana and papa!! Willey and I were looking forward to some cooler weather!! So off we went and everything went surprisingly well. The boys loved being at the airport and riding on the moving walking lane and watching all the planes land and take off. We didn't get to Willits until late Thursday night, but the boys were troopers and still really excited to get there. Well our secret that we were coming had gotten blown the night before (unknown to us) but it was still good to be there. The boys had so much fun with Nana and Papas dog "bubblegum" but I am not sure that he felt the same way. They basically tormented the poor dog until he would run and hide!! Probably the best thing that happened while we were there was the food fight that Papa decided to start with Ryan. We had finished eating dinner outside, and Papa was still feeding Zack (of course!!) and Ryan said he wanted more mashed potatoes, so papa got a spoon full, and turned to Ryan and splat, threw it right on his face!!! Ryan just had this look like, Oh now its on!! And that was it, potatoes began flying for about the next 15 minutes. It was so funny and such a good memory for the boys!!

Then on Monday, we decided to go up to the coast, its only about 30 mins away, but its all switchbacks, and neither me or Josh handle those very well, but we made it without any throw up!! The boys love being at the ocean, and this coast is really rocky and they loved going exploring and looking at all the tide pools that were around. It was just a beautiful day and so relaxing!!

So glad we were able to go and relax and have so much fun and make so many good memories for the boys!!

Labor Day

Ok, so I know these are late, but it was just too fun not to write about. We went up to Frye Mesa and went to some natural water slides and just had such a good time! My parents went with us, and our friends the Littles, and their parents. The "big boys" had no problem climbing up the rocks and across the steep rock sides to get to the slides. I however was very uncertain of it all. You go down one slide and plung into this pool of water that is about 5 feet deep and not very big, then when you recover from the shock of the freezing water, you go down the second slide into the pool of water at the bottome. Easy enough right?? hahaha. So I let Brandons mom go first, common courtesy of course, and watched in HORROR as she went down the first slide and all you could see was her feet up in the air, which meant her head was in the 5 ft pool of water somewhere!! Was I crazy?? I was totally willing to just climb the steep rock sides to get back to safety!! But I couldn't chicken out. So I sit down and the water was so cold and I just pushed myself off, and tried to remember, keep my hands up feet down and I would be fine! I wasn't expecting the rush of water into my ears, (later had swimmers ear) but I did it!! I made it to the first water hole!! YES! The second one didn't look nearly as bad, so no problem right?? Well Willey had been down a few times and had always hit the same rock either on his thigh or padded part of his bum, so I knew there was a rock I wanted to avoid, and with all my luck in trying to miss the rock, I hit it straight on the end of my tailbone!! I thought I would die, I couldn't get up I just kept falling forward. So I put on a brave face and tried to walk it off, and gosh darn it like 3 weeks later and it still hurts to bend over, but I did it, I concered that water slide, probably won't be doing it again, but at least I can say I did it! So here are some pics from Labor day:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Josh's scripture

Josh was asked to give the scripture in Primary on Sunday and it was on temples, so Willey helped him find one in 1 Corinthians 3:17. And so he was practicing reading it, and the last sentence is "which temple ye are", and he just sounded so darn cute reading it, and said, "which temple EE RR." He could not say ye, it just kept coming out EEE. And the more we tried to emphasize the YE part he just would say EEE louder. So when he read it I had to try so hard not to crack up laughing at his EE RR while sticking his head out to say it like Willey and I were. Gotta love those little guys!!!


So July started out really well. We had a great Fourth of July weekend. We had a BBQ then went to the Fairgrounds to watch the fireworks. We acutally were so close that we had actual pieces of the firworks falling on us, and I think I probably blackened one of my lungs with all the smoke I inhaled. Josh and Ryan thought they were really cool, but I wish everyone could have seen Zacks face, he was very serious lying by me on the blanket and if I looked at him he would just clap his hands and say "WEEE" and maybe crack a slight smile and then he would point up and it was back to business!!

We then had a little spell of strep throat go through Josh and Ryan. Ryan woke up one morning saying that his mouth hurt, but he wouldn't let me look inside, and both him and Josh were being so crabby all morning and kept falling asleep, and I realized they both were burning up. So after some medicine and naps, Josh was feeling better but Ryan said that now his neck was hurting. I looked at his neck right below his ear and he had like a golf ball sized bulge! I like freaked out and called my mom and she right away said uh oh its gotta be the mumps. MUMPS??? What the heck was that, didn't we go through the torture of having our kids vaccinated against that? So I called and made him a dr's appt, and decided I better take Josh with us just in case it was contagious, and it turned out they both had strep, and Ryan's glands had just really swelled up on the one side as a side affect. So they both had to get shots in their buns, and they were so mad at me, I felt so bad for them. But they both felt better the next morning and thats a good thing for the whole house hold. It still took at least another two weeks for Ryan's gland to go totally down, so weird!!
I was glad that we found out early enough about the boys having strep because a few days later, we had my brother Andy and sister-in-law Shantelle and their twins Drew and Megan down for the Pioneer day celebration. It was a lot of fun. We went and watched the rodeo and the kids had a blast trying to chase down the little pig. Then enjoyed the parade on Saturday and had just a really relaxing time at the football field eating dinner and listening to all the entertainment they had. And then came the fireworks, once again I found Josh and Ryan really loving them, and Zack ran and sat up on my lap. Some of the fireworks were loud, so I covered one of his ears and held the other ear against my chest, and when the loud ones had stopped I moved my hand off his ears, and he very quickly moved it back on his ear. He gave me a quick smile and snuggled back close to my chest. He is just such a character, love him much!
Then came Callie's 18th birthday!! I can't believe how fast time fly's by!!! We had made plans to head down to Mesa the next week because my brother Gary was moving to Flagstaff. So we decided to go along and hang out with Marcie and her girls for a few days and get out of the heat! So Willey headed out early with a load of stuff, and Callie, my boys and myself were going up later in the morning following my parents and 2 of my neices. This is where the story gets good, and scary (for me) I had put the boys's dvd players on and they kept saying they weren't working, and Callie was trying to figure out why my ipod player wasn't working and I was trying to help her find the remote to the dv player, all this time following behind my dad. He got into the turn lane, and turned left and all I saw was that he turned and the light was green. I was so distracted with everything that was going on, I didn't even pay attention that it wasn't an arrow just a light, and I turned and looked up in time to see a white truck coming straight for me. I had no reaction and the next thing I knew, we were facing the wrong way and the air bags had deployed. There was smoke everywhere and the boys were crying. And in a flash people were there to help. They got the kids out of the car, and Callie got out. I was totally frozen, my dad was there and just asking if I was ok, I asked if the boys were hurt, he said he didn't think so, and that was my release! I just broke down, and started to say that Willey was going to kill me, I had just wrecked the car that he drove every week to work!! I finally was able to get out, and let me tell you, we definitely had heavenly father looking down on us. Our car was totalled. The truck hit on the front of my side and smashed in the whole front. The truck had part of the bumber attached to its back bumper. The boys didn't have not one scratch on them, and Zack was the only one in a 5 point harness car seat. Ryan and Josh were in booster seats and they ALWAYS put the strap that goes across the chest behind them!! Callie was bending forward, so the airbag hit her face, but no serious damage, and I was just shooken up. The air bag hit my arm, so it has a pretty good size bruise, but again no serious damage. It has taken me a good week to feel back to normal physically, but mentally it will probably take me a while!! The boys haven't had any affects from it, they just like to say we don't get to go to Flagstaff because mommy crashed daddy's car. This accident really shook me up to the point that it is really hard for me to drive, without getting sick to my stomach, but it also really made me think. Think about life and my spiritual preparedness. Am I letting all of these distractions in life stop me from hearing the spirit, or from realizing the things in life that are really important? My dad told me later the day of the accident that he heard the spirit tell him not to turn, and I think the spirit was trying to tell him because I had to much going on to be able to hear the spirit talking to me!! That is not something I want to happen again! I hope that I will be able to live everyday so that I will be able to clearly hear the spirit and his promptings that he gives to me. I am grateful for my husband, he had a really hard time with all the thoughts of what could have happened, and he was so overwhelmed with gratitude that we were all ok. I am so grateful that he is a worthy preisthood holder and was able to give me the comfort I needed. I love my little boys so much and thank my heavenly father for those angels he sent down on the day of the accident to hold each of them so they wouldn't be harmed!! I am overjoyed to be alive, and think that i have been complaining WAY to much about the everyday stuff life has for us to do. I am glad to be able to wash the dishes and cook for my family and wash laundry.
I also wanted to say thank you to my friends who really helped me out by just being here. I just feel very blessed and if it took a car accident to make me realize it I guess I am grateful for that too!!


I hope Laura doesn't mind, I read her blog and thought this is a good way to play catch up with my blog entries. So here is what happened in June:

I had my birthday, and the following weekend we headed off to San Diego to visit our friends Nick and Candi. They boys were so excited when we told them we were going to see Nick and Candi that I think they were a little disappointed when we got there and they found out that Candi was a person, and not actual candy. We had such a good time there, and the weather was SOO nice! We got to go to Nicks work (he is a navy rescue swimmer) and see the helicopter that he flies in. The boys went just about nuts over it. They loved getting up there and they just had a blast pretending to fly (pictures will be coming, I can't find my camera right now, but I will get it all together!!!). We also got to go sailing, which is one of Willey's favorite parts of going to San Diego, and I love it as well. The "big" boys were excited to jump out and swim in the water, but none of the kids really wanted to until Willey jumped in, then I had to hold on to Zack for dear life because he kept trying to jump overboard. He finally did get in with Willey but the water was a bit cold, so he didn't stay in for long. It was just a really good relaxing time! Then we got to have a cookout at the beach and it was just so much fun!! The only down part to it was on the day we were getting ready to leave, Josh came out with blue hands, and when Willey went to find what was going on, he found Ryan, Josh and Courtney (nick and candi's middle girl) had decided that the girls pink wall was too pink I guess, because they had taken an ink pad and put their hands in it and put their hand prints all over one of the walls. I could have just died!!! I used the Mr. Clean magic erase marker until it was little crumbs!!! I hope that it looks alright now? Sorry!!! I wished I would have taken pictures of it, after a while it was kind of funny. We headed home and back to the real world!!
Marcie moved up to Flagstaff with her girls in June and that was sad. I really enjoyed having her here and having the girls here to play. But I am really proud of her and know that she will do all she can to get through school. She is a good motivater for me to get those books open and finish my education!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Getting Older

So I am finding it hard to get on my blog everyday or even at least once a week with all craziness that goes on in everyday life. My friends with school aged children keep asking me if we are having a good summer so far, and while yes we are I don't really notice any difference, except the kids get up a little earlier, and throw a major fit that it is still light outside and why do they have to go to bed when the sun hasn't even gone to bed. But we are at the beginning of June and so far so good. I just had my birthday yesterday and had a great day. The boys and I went to town with my parents, Callie and Marcie and did a little shopping and went to lunch and just had a nice time. Then Willey ( who was supposed to be working) decided to take a sick day and stay home. He grilled us a very nice dinner and we put the boys to bed and watched a movie. So two years closer now to 30 and I really don't know what to think about getting older. I know that it is coming whether I am ready for it or not but right now I am definitely NOT ready. But I guess with age comes wisdom right? ha ha. I just wish we could freeze time in certain times of our lives. I wish this could be one of those times. With the boys being so funny and so innocent of worldly things and always (well mostly) listening to the things that Willey and I tell them to do. But I guess this is life right? All I can do is just cherish the little moments and try to remember to write them down so they are not forgotten, and not worry so much about getting older, it may cause wrinkles.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Callie graduated on Wednesday night and I just wanted to tell her how proud of her I am. She is the baby of eight children, and there is a ten year gap between us, so I have been able to watch her grow into the person that she has become. I could have only hoped to be as talented and spiritual as she is when I was her age. She has been one of my best friends for almost all my life and I am excited for all she will accomplish in the future!! I know that she will go far musically, she had a solo during graduation and was by far the best one there, I am not being bias, she really just becomes someone else when she is performing and it is almost magical to watch! I love ya sis and just wanted you to know how much ya mean to me!! ( the last picture is of Callie on prom night, where she won prom queen.)


Hectic week

So Zack has been cutting his eyepoint teeth this week, and I mean the whole week. It has been MISERABLE!! Willey had to work overtime monday night and Tuesday night, so I was in it alone. He started with the throwing up and all that comes with that and a super high fever. It was a long couple of nights!! And I was determined that by Monday he would be totally off the bottle, which made things probably ten times worse!! And then Wednesday was my sister Callies graduation from high school and we were having her dinner at our house. So of course things couldn't run smoothly, Zack had to end up getting a temperature of 104.0!! So I had to take him into the Dr.s to make sure it really was just teeth, and after two and a half hours of sitting in there, they told me he was fine, no flu or strep, just a little bit of a red ear. I was so upset, why didn't I listen to my motherly instincts and just keep him home? Whatever. The night ended up going ok. Everyone got fed and had a good time and my dear sweet Willey stayed home with all the boys so I could see Callie graduate. Now it is Saturday and Zack is just finally getting back to his normal self which I am so thankful for. And I am glad this week is OVER!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fathers and sons

So the Fathers and sons outing was this last friday, and ALL of my boys were super excited (especially Willey). So they got everything together early Friday morning and they left about 1:30 in the afternoon. Now it only takes about 45 mins to an hour to get where they were camping but Willey insisted that they get an early start! He left Zachary here because 2 mischevious boys was about all he can handle. So Zack woke up from his nap and went from room to room looking for Josh and Ryan and when he didn't see them he would get a sad look on his face, it was so sad and I knew right then that no matter how much his older brothers torture him, he really loves them. So Zack and I went and did our nightly walk with my sister Callie and then hung out at home, just a low key relaxing kind of night. Saturday I got an early wake up call from my mom at 6 am (thanks mom ha ha) and she invited Zack and I to breakfast, which was so good. Then I cleaned house, anticipating the arrival of my campers. They did not get back until almost 2! And they were FILTHY. I just had to laugh when I saw them walk through the door. The first thing out of Josh and Ryan's mouth was, "Daddy let us shoot his gun at a captus, (cactus) and then we told him we wanted him to shoot the captus for us, and he did ha ha ha". So it must have been really funny seeing daddy shoot the cactus because they just laughed and laughed. And then Ryan went straight to bed. He was so tired I just let him. Josh then proceeded to tell me about his first real camping trip. He loved playing with all the kids, and especially the fire. His dad told him not to put sticks in the fire, but he didn't listen and ended up burning his lip. He told me he was just trying to taste the stick to see if it was still hot. Ha ha. So I guess overall it was a really good time for all of them. I will be looking forward to next year when all three of the boys get to go.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Never a dull moment

So I decided that I have some of the funniest kids ever, and I have the pictures to prove it. Ryan does some of the funniest things like his faces that he does. He is usually pretending to be Iron Man, one of his favorite "heroes". The one morning I couldn't find him anywhere, and I noticed that the back door was unlocked, and found him outside with his dog Rocky, it was almost just too cute! Then last but not least he walked upstairs one day with his face covered in marker and said " see I have a beard just like daddy"!! I laughed so hard, and RAN to grab my camera.

Now as you can probably tell Zack is a little obsessed with hats! Willey is not happy that I #1: Took a picture of Zack with his cousins pink hat, and #2: That I am posting it on my blog. But he is just so dang cute. He love to pull the hats way down on his eyes and the he has to look way up high so he can see. Its so much fun watching the joy that he gets out of something as simple as a hat!!

And then theres Josh, who is just a crack up, he loves dress up ( another thing that Willey would rather me not mention, ha ha), and he found this old wig that my mom had and was just walking around the house with it, just like it was the most normal thing to be doing. Now Willey gets bloody noses very easily, so he has a wad of toilet paper in his nose a lot, and its kind of hard to see in the picture but see the white thing hanging out of his nose? Yep he walked out and announced that he had a bloody nose, but he had taken care of it and he had shoved toilet paper up his nose, they really look up to their dad and want to be just like him. And lastly, this is the face that Josh makes usually when I am taking pictures, lovely smile son, you will get all the girls with that one!!!
I love my kids!!