Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Zacks 2

So November is a busy birthday month for us in our family, so I am a little late in posting about Zacks Birthday. It was november 28th. I can't believe that my baby is already two!! Maybe time for another one, but that will be another post in later-no announcements!! Zack has always just had his own personality and done his own thing. His due date was supposed to be December 27th, but of course he couldn't wait to get here. I can remember going into the Doctors office, they wanted to do an amnioscentisis (mis-spelled), so I had to be hooked up to the monitor for a while so make sure everything was fine, and low and behold I was having steady contractions. I was still four weeks from deliverying so they wanted to go ahead and make sure his lungs were developed enough and they had said that they would know those results within 2-3 days. Well thankfully I have good doctors, and they decided to take me over to the hospital and go ahead and do the c-section. I was not ready for this and was sad because I hadn't told Josh or Ryan that I wouldn't see them for a few days. My mom was with me though and that helped. We got Willey called and off to the hospital we went. So a few hours later (they were busy that day) they wheeled me into the surgery room. Now with this pregnancy I was HUGE not only from the baby being big, but also from lots of extra fluid. So when they cute me open it was kind of funny because everyone had these splash shield things, but they were smart because I got soaked!! Gross I know!! Then my doctor told Willey how thin my uterus was she could have cut it with a needle, and that freaked me out. She said things could have been a lot worse if we had even waited one more day. So out came Zack and all we heard was this teeny tiny cry from this big baby! His lungs were not developed yet, so he had to be under the oxygen tent and the funny thing was the nurse told willey that most babies fit all the way in the tent, Zack only fit from his chest up, ha ha. He weighed in at 9.1 and only 18 and a half inches, and has been growing fast and big ever since!! He loves to laugh and eat, and dance around, and he really loves playing with his older brothers and trying so hard to be just like them!! I have been so blessed to have him as my son!!

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