Saturday, December 4, 2010

Turkey day and Zacks Birthday

SO behind!! We had such a GREAT thanksgiving. We started out with the Turkey Trot (LOVED IT), this was Willey's first year doing it and he did awesome!! I came in at 31:34 but can take 32 seconds off that cause I didn't get out the gate til it said 32 haha, Willey came in 36 minutes, which was great considering he only ran it once before the turkey trot. Then it was off to my parents for some turkey and great family time!! Willey had to leave early to do his clinicals at the ER for his EMT class (whole different blog haha). My sister-in-law and I decided to head to walmart (CRAZY) for just a few things, my mom and Jessie decided to join in on the fun also! So we stayed up until midnight and headed over there. Pure chaos, but we got in got what we went for and got out all within an hour!! It was so much fun and SO tiring!! But we had to get up and get ready for my baby to have his third birthday!! Zack is totally shy and clams up so we decided against having a house full of people, but still making it a great day for him. Jessie of course made his cake which turned out AMAZING!! Zack is this totally quiet and reserved kid, but when he opens up watch out!! He is SO funny and loving and just darn CUTE!! He hardly fusses over things kids would normally make into a big deal like doing his breathing treatments everyday, he just puts on his little mask turns it on himself and sits there. He also has started preschool already at Brighter day to help with his speech, and that has been weird having all three of my boys in school, but he loves it and is always saying now "my teacher says ..." its really funny. I am just so blessed to have Zachary in my life, he makes me stay sane with his adorable dimples and big smile! Love ya Zack!!

First day of preschool

Isn't this cake AWESOME!!


we told him we wanted him to take a picture with his train tracks, so he laid down haha


Bec said...

Mary, you look great! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! :)

Andy and Michele said...

He is ADORABLE! I love his dimples. Good job running before feasting! And you're so brave to go to Wal-Mart!