Monday, January 25, 2010

Well recovering from so many things this last month has been a bit harder than I thought it would be!! We had all three of the boys get sick a few weeks ago, then we had Willey's parents come for a visit (which was really for Willey and his dad to get some hunting in) then the miscarriage thing happened while they were here, and before I had a moment to think about it Zack got terribly sick and was having a hard time breathing, he kept choking on his mucus and turning not normal shades of colors that he should have been!! So off to the DR's and she said he just may have athsma, and lots of mucus, so she put him on a steroid, an antibiotic and sent me home with a prescription for a breathing machine! WHEW, deep breath!! So when we finally made it home, like 3 hours after the appointment (I hate waiting for prescriptions!!) got the boys lunch, meds and to bed. I haven't ran, except one day on the treadmill, and ended up hurting my foot, ha ha I guess when it rains it pours and the last couple of weeks it has been FLOODING! ha ha but good thing I love to swim and know how to keep my head above that water no matter how high it gets. So a weekend of icing and babying my foot and I was back out there today, 2 miles and it strangely felt good and was surprisingly easy to do.
Today is my countdown with my training I only have 12 weeks until the half marathon, so its serious time, no excuses and that means only 12 weeks to get to my goal weight, I can totally do it. So if any of you see me with like ice cream or a donut in my hand hurry and grab it and throw it away!! :)!! That would be helpful :)!!


Bec said...

Tell you what... I will take the ice cream and bagel and EAT THEM MYSELF! :) I figure I'll be pleasantly plump for a while anyway- why not enjoy it? lol. And I'm proud of your optimism. Bumps in the road happen. It's the strong ones who keep on keepin' on. You're among them. Good luck, and I'm sorry about your "bumps."

Family of Five said...

Wow Mary! Sorry to hear about Zack's Asthma! I hope if that is what he has it turns out to be mild and easy to treat! Sorry to hear your foot was hurt too! Seriously...what a month! Have you seen the movie Meet the Robinsons? You remind me of the anthem...Keep Moving Forward! Can't believe you only have 12 weeks till your race! Good luck!

Little Family!!!! said...

You can totally do it!!! I am very excited for you. Maybe next year we can do it together!!!

The Cluff's said...

Glad I found your bolg! You are Awesome! I have always wanted to participate in a marathon. I am so proud of you! You can totally do it! By the way, I meant to tell you yesterday when I saw you that you look Great!!! Your dedication is totally paying off. I will be cheering you on and will gladly eat any ice cream or donuts you need me to..........what are friends for :)

Melissa said...

Eeek! I've had months like that too. David just started on Singulair and if that doesn't work we will switch him to Pulmocort (sp?). Hang in there. Kudos with the running. I so need to get back into that!