Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hectic week

So Zack has been cutting his eyepoint teeth this week, and I mean the whole week. It has been MISERABLE!! Willey had to work overtime monday night and Tuesday night, so I was in it alone. He started with the throwing up and all that comes with that and a super high fever. It was a long couple of nights!! And I was determined that by Monday he would be totally off the bottle, which made things probably ten times worse!! And then Wednesday was my sister Callies graduation from high school and we were having her dinner at our house. So of course things couldn't run smoothly, Zack had to end up getting a temperature of 104.0!! So I had to take him into the Dr.s to make sure it really was just teeth, and after two and a half hours of sitting in there, they told me he was fine, no flu or strep, just a little bit of a red ear. I was so upset, why didn't I listen to my motherly instincts and just keep him home? Whatever. The night ended up going ok. Everyone got fed and had a good time and my dear sweet Willey stayed home with all the boys so I could see Callie graduate. Now it is Saturday and Zack is just finally getting back to his normal self which I am so thankful for. And I am glad this week is OVER!!!


Bec said...

Ugh. I'm glad you survived!

Stacie said...

So sorry about the baby. I totally understand the mother's instincts. I also wish I would learn to trust them.